Sometimes it is easier to explain how great a record store is by understanding why other shops are not. Few record stores can touch the quality of the records in the bins of Revilla Grooves. That isn't to say that just the selection is quality, so is the condition. The contents of the store bins are only known to those who frequent the shop so spreading their message of their product, including new and used gear, was needed. Revilla Grooves doesn't just focus on their stock to reach advocates by word of mouth, they utilize social media, print ads, live events, and dollar sales to increase awareness. Creating a consistent brand strategy as the marketing reached a larger audience was important. This is also something many small businesses overlook. Revilla Grooves are active in the process of developing a look and feel that best suits their business.

Revilla Grooves - Starland Ballroom Monitor

Revilla Grooves - 1200

Revilla Grooves - Summer Soiree 2022

Revilla Grooves - Weird NJ Print Ad

Revilla Grooves - Weird NJ Banner Ad

Revilla Grooves - Dollar Sale Postcard Front

Revilla Grooves - Dollar Sale Postcard Back
Very few things have been a part of my life for as long as WFMU. My Dad, who is a voracious music fan, collector, and was even a DJ of sorts way back when, was a very early listener of the station. He was a truck driver in NJ and did short haul interstate runs too. Like everything in his life he researched and investigated what the best stations were so as he drove from one city to the next he never lost his groove. WFMU proved to be a regular listen and he passed that onto us. The first time I pledged money to the station I was thirteen. I had emerged myself in Punk and Hardcore and was now looking to its roots. I found that in Bill Kelly's Teenage Wasteland. Eventually my band was playing on the air, I began doing guest DJ spots and was doing some art for the station. If I could do more for the station I would.

Crackpots and Visionaries: Alfred Jarry - Box cover

Crackpots and Visionaries: Alfred Jarry - Black Ink only

Crackpots and Visionaries: Alfred Jarry - card front

Crackpots and Visionaries: Alfred Jarry card back with text by Luc Sante

Crackpots and Visionaries: Alfred Jarry - Dr Ph. Martin's dyes version

Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine t-shirt and branding- “ONE HOUR; 23 or 24 SOUL 45s."

Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine t-shirt back design

Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine t-shirt back design - Original Tuba Records color

Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine t-shirt front design

Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine t-shirt back design

Downtown Soulville with Mr. Fine Wine t-shirt and branding- “ONE HOUR; 23 or 24 SOUL 45s."

1998 Calendar: Iggy Pop vomits on Vin Scelsa’s sneakers during appearance at WFMU, 1969

1998 Calendar: Iggy Pop vomits on Vin Scelsa’s sneakers during appearance at WFMU, 1969 - Actual Calendar

Three Chord Monte with Joe Belock t-shirt “EVERYONE’S A WINNER!”

Three Chord Monte with Joe Belock t-shirt “EVERYONE’S A WINNER!” - Actual t-shirt
Bryan Beninghove and his crew of incredible players have entertained audiences for over 10 years. Their music ranges from hyper instrumentals to progressive Jazz. If their original compositions and stellar performances weren't enough to showcase their worth as one of the tightest and finest bands around, they took on the songs of Led Zeppelin and gave them a unique and new existence. Their logo and designs required the same aggressive and bold style.

Beninghove's Hangmen - Logo

Beninghove's Hangmen - Poster

Beninghove's Hangmen - Rattlesnake Chopper CD

Beninghove's Hangmen - Led Zeppelin Covers Project
No client has been more open to ideas, concepts, designs and styles than Slovenly Recordings and Black Gladiator. I have created logos, advertising, label designs, layouts and cover art for them. All remain favorites in my portfolio…even the ones inappropriate for all viewers…and sometimes especially those. With that said they also have a children's music imprint. These people love what they do and it shows from the music to the incredible brand that they have built, maintain and grow each year. It also doesn't hurt that they have a sense of humor.

Black Gladiator Records - Logo

Black Gladiator Records - Logo

Black Gladiator Records - Logo

Black Gladiator Records - Logo / Branding T-shirt

Black Gladiator - 7-inch Label Design

Electric Crush LP Cover based on Muddy Waters' Electric Mud

Puke Spit and Guts - Reissue layout, design, lettering, and production

Puke Spit and Guts - Reissue layout, design, lettering, and production

Puke Spit and Guts - Reissue layout, design, lettering, and production

Puke Spit and Guts - Reissue layout, design, lettering, and production

sLOVEnly Recordings - Children Music Logo

sLOVEnly Recordings - Children Music Logo - Full Color Version

sLOVEnly Recordings - Apple Brains - "GET FRUITY!!!" Label designs
In the late 80's early 90's I was fortunate enough to work with the art department at Caroline Records. Designing for music related projects comes as easy as breathing for me. Caroline gave me the opportunity to have my work distributed international in magazines that were influential on my music education and helped me to broaden my horizons. Swill Magazine was Caroline's fanzine. I produced a monthly single panel strip called Fat & Skinny based on the offensive children's poem. I also interviewed Archers of Loaf for the 'zine before most people knew who they were.

Caroline Records - "Caroline Kids" Promo Icon

Caroline Kids" Promo Icon

Caroline Kids" Lida Musik Promo

Caroline Kids" Lida Musik Promo

Caroline Records - Ad

Caroline Records - SXSW t-shirt design
I was asked to submit my portfolio and meet with one of the art directors at The Nation. I was told in advance that they operated through the offices of Milton Glazier's Push Pin Studios. I am a huge fan of Mr. Glazier's work and was instantly intimidated by the thought but then quickly realized, if ever there was a group of people you wanted to impress this is it. The subjects were very familiar to me so ideas came quickly. I remember there was a very quick turnaround required so I kept the illustrations small. I knew there could be some line quality issues so I worked meticulously on each one. Ironically, the one piece that had an issue eventually was used in a U2 profile on VH1. Isn't that always the way?

The Nation - Who Controls The Music

Steve Earle:Death House Troubadour

Hip-Hop: On the Charts, Off the Covers

Original concept for On The Charts, Off the Cover

U2: The Flop of Pop

Reggae: Pols Try to Steal the Beat- Sketch

Reggae: Pols Try to Steal the Beat

Spice Girls: What Do They Want? - Original concept

Spice Girls: What Do They Want?

Classical: Drowned and Out?

Thrill Jockey Records - Chicago, Ill

Thrill Jockey Records - Chicago, Ill

Black Gladiator Records

The Matt Label

The Figgs - World Tour T-shirt

Projected Images Film Series at Maxwell's

Hippopotamus - Band t-shirt

Shirt Shack - Emotions Series
During the COVID 19 pandemic one thing became certain, wearing a mask helped to stop the spread of the virus. Family, friends, neighbors, and strangers deserve your respect. Wearing a mask for them even if you didn't believe you could get sick also helped reduce anxiety and gave people peace of mind. Always follow the five basic rules; wash your hands, cough into your elbow, do not touch your face, keep a safe distance, and stay home when you can. During times of crisis we rely on local businesses, health care workers, and emergency services. In order for them to continue operating, while keeping themselves and the public safe we need need to follow the five basic rules and wear a mask. Let's never forget this.

Respect The Mask

Ale House - Hoboken, NJ - Respect The Mask

Jersey Cycles - Jersey City, NJ - Respect The Mask

Respect The Mask - Black and White version